Monday 15 July 2013

X-O Manowar #15 Review

As some of you may remember the “Planet Death” saga had ended with issue 14 last month. I am glad to say that now things have gotten back to normal in X-O Manowar issue 15 kind of….

Monday 1 July 2013

Doctor Who Prisoners of Time issue 6

Doctor Who Prisoners of Time issue 6, thank God Pip and Jane Baker didn’t write this (I am only saying what is on every Whoevens mind). I am ready right now to decrial this to be the best issue in this event. We have Colin Baker’s Doctor, a talking penguin( is really a shape shifter), and the Autons.

Monday 24 June 2013

Red Hood and the Outlaws issue 21

I am a big fan of Red Hood and the Outlaws and I am aware that RHOL still has a large fan base. So, I am inclined to be magnanimous this time and give a spoiler free review. So with out spoilers this book isn’t all that great, in fact it really doesn’t work. Once again Jason has nothing to do in his own book, aside from being completely useless. He is even taken hostage by the League of Assassins while Korri and Roy run around trying to find him/figure out what’s going on.

Friday 29 March 2013

Batman Inc. issue 9

Batman Inc.9

For those of you who haven’t read issue 8 I would say go and read that before this issue. It would't take anything away if you haven't read issue 8, but it adds more to the story if you do. Okay, now on to issue 9!